UPDATED: we have just received this document that confirms 8/13 date for start of orders for the 2016 CamaroSix. This looks to be when the builds and orders will take place. We guessed right last month!
CamaroNews – As we all know the 6th Gen was just launched last month. This car is not only going to be record breaking, but a legend in its own right. There are rumors flying everywhere that enthusiasts are wanting to know when they can order. This morning CamaroNews was given info that only makes sense. Unfortunelty no press release or comment was provided, so this is speculation and a rumor as far as we know. The source was anonymous but stated that order banks would be open sometime on 8/13/15 with possible production starting on 8/22/15. This all sounds exciting, but like we have stated nothing is official until GM, Team Camaro post it’s official press release. So something for you to dream about if it might come true. We are all excited and the Camaro Six will be breathtaking once it hits the streets.