CamaroNews – We here at CamaroNews are not only about news, but helping our fellow Camaro Brothers, Sisters and kids. Take Jeffery in New Richmond, WI that runs a lemonade stand trying to raise money for epilepsy. His favorite cars in the world are camaros and we want to get the Camaro community to stop by if you can. It would be great if you can stop by today or this week even to brighten a kids day, as well to make a donation of any kind to the cause. He is located at the intersection of
Paperjack & Hillside court, New Richmond WI. This is what owning a camaro is all about, helping and donating to a good cause. Below are the links and story behind Jeffery’s story in which has truly touched us here at CamaroNews!
Jeffery’s Story:
On Jeffrey’s 3rd birthday in April of 2009 he experienced a grand mal seizure. We then were sent to children’s in St. Paul for testing at the children’s Epilepsy wing at the Hospital. after a short 24 hours of monitoring on a EEG. We were told he had Epilepsy. We were in complete shock. As the days progressed and the seizures increased, it was the middle of may and Jeffrey was having Grand Mal seizures daily. Each one lasting longer then the last up to 8 minutes long. Our doctor decided that we needed to be admitted for a diet and medication change. Although at this time he was already on several meds. They just weren’t helping our little guy. So by the end of May 2009 we entered the Hospital. We tried to start a diet called a ‘Modified Atkins Diet” our little guy just couldn’t handle all that change and he started to get sick. So we aggressively changed his meds and prayed that this would help control his seizures. He was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. Still having grand mal seizures everyday. In the almost 3 weeks he was in the hospital we had one maybe two days seizure free total. Because his seizures were so bad Jeffrey was even fitted for a helmet to protect his head. Even the day we were sent home he had a seizure. But we were hopeful the medications would show more improvement as the days went by, and they eventually did. His seizures did gradually get better, not gone but better.
But By the end of summer in 2009 his seizures started getting worse again. Jeffrey’s doctor wanted to change medications again and he wanted us to try the diet.
Diet. ooofta that diet started just before Halloween in 2009. We had to change all of our food intake. To make it successful we made sure Jeffrey wasn’t tempted by foods he no longer could have. This diet was high in fat, moderate protein and low or next to no carbs.
So fat was good for him. Carbs were bad?
I know what your thinking. Fat is bad. but in all actuallality carbs turn into sugar. But the fat turns into ketones. When that happens it processes differently and helps heal his brain.
So in Jeffrey’s case for the time being fat was his friend.
So we went on this journey and had Jeffrey on the diet for 3 years! We even made him a cookbook with all the foods we learned to make. and in that 3 years with the help of 1 medication Jeffrey became seizure free!
He now is no longer on his diet, but is on one medication and celebrates seizure freedom every Feb. 7th. this last February 2015 was 5 years seizure free.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lemonaideforepilepsy/timeline
Please get your Camaro’s started and if your even close to his area, drive over and make him smile today!