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BE A HERO TO A HERO They Did Their Duty, Lets Do Ours VETERAN 1 has become a web sensation and a favorite amongst the military/veteran groups. The owner, Kelly Fromm, gets emails from people just about every day after they’ve seen the pictures of VETERAN 1 online. Just seeing the pictures of VETERAN 1 is motivation enough for them to continue spreading the words “NEVER FORGET”. Kelly knew he wanted to provide an “emotional punch” to anyone viewing VETERAN 1 while on display, plays a tribute video on a 20″ monitor embedded into the rear trunk. The video plays “Amazing Grace” as sung by a tiny, seven-year-old girl. There’s not a dry eye within hearing distance of VETERAN 1.
He has received and accepted numerous invitations to various events throughout the USA. The most recent one being selected by SEMA as “HOTTEST CAR” and Veteran1 has participated in at the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. HotRod TV that airs on the Speed Channel has named “VETERAN 1” one of ten top cars at SEMA 2010. Kelly is also a ADASDF graduate and service disabled Veteran and after receiving his service dog “Catherine” in June 2010. He has made it his mission to help raise the
The mission of ADASDF is to train and provide service dogs at no cost to Wounded veterans and others with mobile disabilities in order to help restore their physical and emotional independence. According to the Department of Defense, one in four of our returning injured military are mobility-impaired, and suffer various injuries, including loss of limbs, hands, and foot/feet. Many have suffered multiple amputations. While there are assistance programs available to these heroes, so much more is needed. Now they face the challenges of adjusting to civilian life with a permanent disability. ADASDF’s goal is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to train, purchase, and connect a canine to our deserving American Heroes.
How You Can Help:
Because the dogs are provided at no charge to our disabled vets, there is a great need for public support. It takes 12 to 18 months to properly train just one service dog, and the cost of care and training for a single service dog during the training period is approximately $25-$30,000. There are no charges for those selected to receive the dogs. Will you help? Please donate now to make a powerful difference in the lives of our Wounded Warriors. Your $50 donation will give you the chance to win “Veteran1” only 2000 tickets will be sold and winner will be announced at the Camaros for Heroes Wounded Warrior Project show.
Please support them!