Well I was asked to write a Blog from the female Camaro enthusiast perspective. (chuckle) To start, I guess I should share a little secret…at first I wanted a Mini Cooper! Ok ok I know…how lame right? Well with divine intervention from my husband, who is 6’3″, we decided to keep looking for my dream car. Derrick had been promising to purchase me a car for a couple years and I really didn’t want to wait any longer!
Alas…out came the Transformers movie and I was in LOVE. Now, I have driven Camaro’s before…my sister had two of them when I was a teenager. Both were ’94 V6, one red and one silver. I loved driving those cars…I felt so cool. Ha! Then came the disappointment…not in production yet! So I did a little research and found a forum, that at the time was so helpful…I learned a lot. Like how to pre order for a car…who knew! I went to the dealership and placed an order for my dream car…sight unseen.
I had wanted a V6 since it would be my daily driver and yet again my husband stepped in, “You can’t have a sports car unless it’s a V8!” He was right…it was the best choice for us. Then came options….mmm it was like a candy shop. Sun roof, check! Automatic, Check! Color?…ABM Please! Now you are looking back at my photo right? LOL When I ordered the answer was “ABM is not available on the V8 sorry”. Ok I’ll take IOM please! A cash deposit later and I was soon to be a Camaro owner.
Well we have all heard this story…dealership drama right. So a refund of my deposit and on the search for a new allocation. This is where my dear friend Anna comes in. She works at Sparta Cheverolet. Sparta is known for trucks not Camaros! So they happened to have one on order with no buyer! Yay me! I was able to tweak the order to get the car I wanted.
So I hit the forum, daily…3..4…5 times a day. Checking the order status threads. I was obsessed. I could not wait to get my car. One day I came across a photo of the Dale Jr. paint scheme. Wow! I knew then that I wanted to two-tone my car. Then the time came….My car was built! May 8th 2009 she came off the line Vin #8970 and exactly one week later she was delivered to Sparta…