CamaroNews wanted to make you think or even keep this fresh in your mind. With all the continued Success the camaro styling has yet to have any refresh done to the styling. Since its launch in late 2009 it’s basically stayed the same. The rumor mill is running crazy all over no matter what you talk about people just love the Camaro. We here at CamaroNews have a opinion on this subject and a opinion is what it may be. Its been a good 4 years of camaro sales and why not refresh a design that is getting a little dated. This in turn keeps people interested in the current car while GM is quietly building the 6th Gen for a rumored 2016 release in the late summer of 2015. Bottom line the 5th Gen is a huge success and will continue to be till the end of it’s run. We can only hope the 6th gen will live up to its bigger brother and we all know Retro sells.
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