CroftgateUSA’s Waterless Car Wash with Wax & Macro Polymers for a high performance eco-responsible approach to waterless car cleaning!
AQUANIL-X, CroftgateUSA’s waterless car wash is advanced blend of detergents, advanced waxes and multiple macro polymers
The waterless car wash, first breaks down and then suspends dirt and grime. AQUANIL-X then replaces it with a protective layer of macro polymers and waxes, leaving your vehicle cleaner and with a longer lasting shine you can be proud of.
You simply won’t believe you just produced that shine with a Waterless car wash product. Anti-statics contained in Aquanil-X will keep dust off your vehicle surfaces longer and make it easier to remove.
You can get your CroftGate products right here on CamaroNews.com from their South Jersey distributor Jimmy: