CamaroNews – Well we have heard them all, but this is a new one! We have been telling people for years they have been spelling Camaro the wrong way with a “E” Here we go folks more rumors and speculation. We guess Camaro fans are just dying to get any info at this point. If they change the Camaro name with an “E” that is just about the insane thing we have ever seen. Grab your popcorn as it just sounds like all the other noise we have heard the last few months!
LEAKED! Breaking News! Unnamed sources tell us that the 7th Gen Camaro will be back as a full electric platform with rebranded name of camEro with an E instead of the A.
The drive units will be an AWD lighter weight version of the Hummer EV platform with only 900HP and 11,000 Ib-ft of torque.
It will also have a 500-mile range minimum!
No other details were discussed, like about how many doors it will have or if there will be a performance package option like an EL1 or E28.
First details shared by @camaro.family
