CamaroNews – Roto-Fab, thanks to the team at Xtreme Motorsports in Tempe, AZ for taking the time to dyne test our 2017 ZL1. Jan, Cody and Matt were great to work with. I was glad to see they showed a genuine interest in the performance of the products they offer.
The graph shows the Roto-fab system along with the stock baseline numbers. Our ZL1 put 586 HP to the tires and about a 1 lb increase in boost with our intake system installed! AFRs were in a very safe range with some room to tune for more power if you so desire. The results shown are without a tune-simply dropping in the Roto-fab intake system. Our intake is gaining about 26 HP over stock along with good torque gains across the upper RPMs. I’m confident you will be impressed with the AFRs, LTFTS and increase in boost. This is a true bolt-on system that really works. Not only does it perform well, it sounds awesome!
If you research the 2012-15 ZL1, you will see the Roto-fab is widely known as the one that works and makes the most power. Likewise, I fully believe our 2017 ZL1 intake will give you the best gains possible by a CAI and I can’t wait for some reputable third party test results from this system!
We actually used the higher stock pull as the baseline. We could show a larger gain by using one of the lower stock pulls as a baseline. However, we like to keep things “real” for our customers. We don’t take the lowest baseline pull and compare it to the highest Roto-fab pull. When comparing to others, keep in mind we keep our claims very realistic. Although dyno numbers will always vary, we have a solid track record in terms of others seeing results matching our claims.
For those of you that think all air intakes are about the same-nothing could be further from the truth. The 6th gen Camaro is completely different and an intake system which functions properly is extremely rare. If you read third party test results from some of the experts in the field, you will see the Roto-fab stands out as the one that actually performs as it should with the engine’s management system. Granted, there was not as much left on the table with the 16-17 Camaro SS in terms of gains with a CAI, but our system takes what’s there. Like the 5th gens, the higher air demands of the ZL1 make it possible for us to achieve larger gains as compared to the SS.
We think it’s important for our customers to make an educated decision. Any time you test an intake, the car’s engine management system must first “learn” the intake. This is done through driving under various load conditions. Remember, these cars don’t use fuel trims at WOT. Rather, they use the fuel trims and other information learned to calculate WOT fueling. If you pull the stock intake, drop in our intake and make a WOT pull on the dyno, the fueling used will be for the stock intake and not ours. The same holds true if our intake has been on your car and you switch to stock. The car will need to learn the stock intake in order for you to achieve accurate numbers. Just something to keep in mind.