CamaroNews knows that Driving a ZL1 (ticket magnet) in CA Can be a issue at times depending where you live. That’s why Fred Zscheile member of the ZL1registry.com decided to find a way to mount my front plate without any drilling or loss of front clearance. Brackets from underneath reduce clearance, So he started looking behind the grille at mount points. To his surprise, He found two bracket mounts symmetrically located ~ 4.5″ from the car centerline on the bottom of the radiator tank. A small amount of trimming on the plastic air diverter (found below and in front of the radiator) is required. All of the materials used came from Home Depot.
To access the bottom of the radiator, you need to remove the underbelly pan (you will need to do this for your oil change anyway). He took some pictures and annotated them to show how easy it was. If you have questions PM CamaroNews.com .
For those who are considering building a front license plate bracket of your own, I have listed the links to the parts you will need at Home Depot. It will take about 3 hours of your time (leisurely pace) to complete this job.
Here is the aluminum – 1 48″ piece reqd ($5.72)
Here are the corner brackets. One package (contains two pieces) reqd. ($4.97). Note – throw out the wood screws in this package
You will also need four 1/4″ x 1/2″ stove bolts and four 1/4″-20 nylon lock hex nuts. These are used to mount the brackets to the aluminum stock and and brackets to the pre-existing radiator mounts. (~$2.00)
You could paint the bracket with any type of paint, however I used a rubberized coating to reduce any vibration between the grille and the aluminum bracket. ($5.98). Wipe the aluminum and corner brackets down with a solvent before painting.
For the license plate back plate, I ordered this on e-bay motors. You can get them lots of places. ($10.25 or cheaper)
Cruiser Accessories Part #79150
Total cost = $32.00 + tax