CamaroNews – Camaro SuperFest has just came to a close. If you haven’t been to this event you just missed one of the best shows of the year! CamaroNews was on hand with CamaroShow ( Chris Frezza) and was a sponsor for this years event. The event had a record number of registrations at well over 700 registries & was hosted by Eastern Michigan Camaro Club. The event had a Camaro’s taking over MIS, which was an awesome event and was truly breathtaking to see all the Camaro’s run all at once on the Michigan International Speedway. On day Two we got to be one of the first groups to tour LGR ( Lansing Grand River ) The new Camaro plant. This was the most coolest thing to watch actual CamaroSix cars being built, Unfortunately No photography was allowed. If you missed the tour and CamaroSuperfest you can get a chance to go next month at the Camaro’s 50th anniversary event. The website to register is The Camaro SuperFest was the best in 25 years, Make sure not to miss it next year!