CamaroG6 is always on the forefront of leading news when it’s anything in the direction of the possible word mention of the future 2015 Camaro 6th Gen. As you may know or not know CamaroG6.com was launched in January 2013 when the historic C7 was launched. This was a great idea as CamaroG6 is the #1 6th Gen website to date. Tonight CamaroG6 has found something that may be something or may be nothing. The key thing is it’s something to keep the mind going as this week some good info was finally talked about of future release maybe at the next Detroit auto show. All we can do is sit back and watch as this car is so top secret nothing has been leaked to date and the car is possibly only 9 months away! ok check them out the Hottest 6th gen website to date.